Medical Billing E&O
Who has Medical Billing E&O exposure?
Nursing Homes
Assisted Living Facilities
Home Health Agencies
Doctor's Offices
Miscellaneous Medical Companies
For-profit & Non-profit Companies
Healthcare Practices or Individual Practitioners
Medical Billing E&O Covers:
Violation of civil, federal, or state anti-kick back laws
Violation of HIPAA and EMTALA legislation
Qui Tam/Whistle Blower plaintiff coverage
Coverage for both governmental and commercial pay or audits and actions
Coverage for 3rd party claims arising out of a Wrongful Act in the performance of, or failure to, perform Medical Billing and Coding Services
Coverage for costs and expenses for an independent audit to be undertaken into the billing practices following notification of an actual or alleged wrongful act
Cyber elements of coverage available
What is at stake:
Fines up to $250,000
Additional Civil fines starting at $11,000 per false claim
Civil kickback fines of $50,000
Common Coverage Triggers and Program Features include:
Medicare/Medicaid billing investigations
False Claims Act investigations
Qui Tam/Whistleblower suits
Stark or Anti-kickback violations
HIPPA & EMTALA Proceedings
Worldwide coverage
Limits from $1m - $10m
Deductibles from $5,000 - $25,000