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December Cyber Offer

While at this time of year most of us are focused on the 12 days of Christmas (think a partridge in a peartree…), cyber criminals are focused on areas of greatest vulnerability. Based on analysis of cyberattacks detected and blocked during a 90-day window during 2022-2023, the BlackBerry Threat Research and Intelligence Team recorded the following statistics:

  • Total number of malware-based attacks: 1,578,733

  • Average number of cyberattacks per day: 17,280

  • Average number of cyberattacks per hour: 720

  • Average number of attacks per minute: 12

Don’t let a hacker ruin your or your customers’ holiday season! BIB can help protect you with On Demand cyber policies targeted at small-medium business customers with revenues of $25M and below.

Reference this article and receive 
20% commission on any bound new or renewal policies and a $50 Amazon gift card to help you get started on your holiday shopping.

For more information, please visit our Cyber Liability Division.

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